Welcome to Year Four
Year 4 2024-25
Class Teacher: Miss Jones
Class Teaching Partner: Miss Roper
Welcome to Year 4! This is my first year in Gillingstool Primary School and I am so excited to see what this year will bring. I am sure we will all have a fantastic year!
Our PE sessions are on a Monday (outdoor) and a Tuesday (indoor). Children need to come into school dressed in their PE kit (white t-shirt, black, navy or royal blue shorts and trainers with their school jumper) on their PE days. Jogging bottoms may be worn for outdoor PE.
When it is our turn for swimming, swimming kits must be brought into school.
Our homework has a focus on spelling. These will be handed out on a Monday and are expected to be returned on a Friday. The spellings will be assessed during class activities throughout the week and throughout the year.
Children are expected to read each night and have Reading Records to record this in. Please ensure these are signed every time they have read. We have certificates that are awarded for regular reading.
Times tables
In Year 4, it is an expectation that all children are fluent with multiplications. 'Times Table Rock Stars' is a fantastic resource that can be used to support your child at home with their times tables in a fun and interactive way.
If you have any concerns, please contact us either through a message sent to the office or a message passed on to us at the gate in the morning. We will endeavour to get back to you promptly.